Flextail Max Shower Review – The Portable Shower For Camping

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Take A Shower By Any Water Source With The Flextail Max Shower

The Flextail Max Shower is a portable water pump that connects to an included hose and showerhead.

It’s battery powered and rechargeable, which makes it portable and a great accessory for camping, the beach, or the garden.

flextail max shower parts and case

Check Price on Flextail.com

I have done some tests with the Max Shower and will be sharing both my initial impressions when I first received it, and my long-term thoughts after using it in different situations.

First Impressions

The Max Shower comes in a hard case, which feels rugged and durable. Every Flextail product I have used has come in a great protective case that makes it easy to store and pack.

This case stores all of the parts, including the 7.2 ft (2.2m) hose.

Flextail Max Shower case

Connecting and disconnecting the different parts is easy if you have ever used a garden hose with quick connectors. I like that the parts attach and detach from one another, because it makes it easy to keep them all clean.

The water inlet on the pump uses an anti-clogging design with a removable filter screen. It’s visible and easily accessible.

flextail max shower water inlet and filter

I charged the battery, which is done with the included USB C cable, and took the Max Shower to a nearby lake.

I turned on the water pump by pushing the power button twice, before lowering it into the water. The showerhead has a valve to control the water flow, so I turned it all the way on and it immediately started spraying water at an impressive rate.

It was a bit tricky to turn the valve with one hand, but it might become easier as I get more used to it.

flextail max shower head with valve

Pushing the power button again turns on the second mode, high, which increases the water flow further.

A third push of the button turns the water pump off.


The battery capacity is 18.5Wh, and that’s enough to power the Max Shower on high for up to 70 minutes, and up to 110 minutes on low.

On low-flow mode the water pump has a 2.2L/min capacity, and on high-flow it’s capable of 3L/min. As I mention in my first impressions, the water flow can be reduced with the valve on the showerhead.

You can likely use any USB C cable to recharge the battery, but Flextail includes a short USB A to USB C cable.

Since the water pump is IPX7 waterproof it can be submerged in water without issues.

Flextail max shower pump submerged in lake

There is a hook that folds out on the back of the showerhead to assist you when taking a shower.

The whole kit weighs 11 oz.

Real-World Testing

In my tests, I found that the Max Shower on the low-flow setting was enough most of the time. If you’re taking a shower and it’s pretty windy, you’re going to find that the high-flow mode will be better though.

The water pump works great in a lake or a bucket, but it doesn’t fit in containers with small openings. If a hose could be attached to the water inlet I would be able to use it with my five gallon jugs, but since it’s not it’s not possible.

With the way the hose is attached to the water pump, it wants to stand up on its side with the water inlet facing upwards.

This is by design to prevent it from sucking up dirt from the bottom of a lake or a bucket, but it does mean that it’s not going to empty a bucket entirely of water.

Max Shower on low-flow mode

I found the long hose to be very useful. It’s great not only for tall people taking a shower but for garden work or cleaning as well.

I haven’t done a scientific battery test, but I have only charged the pump once since receiving it and that’s with me taking several long showers, watering plants, and rinsing off the tires on my RV.

The included case is great because it keeps the parts protected and clean, but you do have to disconnect all the parts to use it. When detaching the hose from the pump and head, you’ll also notice that there is some water left in each part.

I did my best to shake them out before putting them away. Fortunately the hose is open on both sides so it can easily be drained.

I noticed that the case has some holes on top to let air in and out, so the parts don’t have to be completely dry before storing.

If you use the shower with a water source that’s not fresh drinking water, you might want to also rinse out the different parts when you get a chance so dirt and debris doesn’t get stuck in it.

The same goes for the filter on the water pump.


The Flextail Max Shower is a very useful accessory for not only camping but RV travel as well.

Even though a lot of RVs have outdoor showers, being able to fill a bucket with water from the campground and rinsing off anything that needs rinsing is pretty neat.

My favorite use for this type of camping accessory though is for car camping and backpacking. Jumping into a lake is great, but sometimes you want to clean yourself off with soap and that’s when a portable shower like this comes in handy.

We are going to be using this both at our house and during travels, and if you’re looking for a rechargeable water pump with many uses we believe the Flextail Max Shower is a great choice.

Please leave a comment down below if you have questions.

by Jesse
Jesse has always had an interest in camping, technology, and the outdoors. Who knew that growing up in a small town in Sweden with endless forests and lakes would do that to you?

3 thoughts on “Flextail Max Shower Review – The Portable Shower For Camping”

  1. Waited over a month to get mine, charged it up light went green attached the hose and head, tried to turn it on, nothing, I’ve tried everything it won’t work, I don’t even know what to say

    • Hey,
      Wow, can’t believe it took that long to get one. Must be something wrong with it, mine still works great.

  2. I have one. Its a great quality shower but everything just feels a bit short of the mark. The loop on the top is great, but doesnt come with anything to stick it to a wall for example like other showers do. The shower inlet on the top is great for being in a lake or stream, but in a bucket its no good because you cant use all the water. And the biggest thing for me is there is no power control on or near the shower head. Forcing the pump to remain on but not pushing water will damage the pump and reduce its lifespan.


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